July 8, 2024

Now, this match is a rarity for one reason: Usually, Joshi hardcore matches aren’t meant for most fans. Most times, it’s hit or miss. This match, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. Before we get into the match, we need to talk about the brief look at the early 2000s that lead to this historic bout between these two women.

In the year 2000, riding high off the progress that had been established a decade prior by companies such as AJW, LLPW, and JWP. GAEA Japan, the company founded by Chigusa Nagayo in 1995, had their most prized championship, the AAAW (All Asia Athlete Women’s) singles title, on one of the most dominant Joshi wrestlers of all time, Aja Kong. Kong was a force to be reckoned with and had an intimidating force that would make you not want to be in the same ring with her. She was stiff, ruthless, and brutal to anyone in her way. Now enter KAROU, a woman whose nickname was the “Original Hardcore Queen”.

KAROU was in the same training class as Megumi Kudo, who was known to be brave enough to even wrestle in hardcore matches. Since KAROU was small against Kong, there was a very big question to ask. Could KAROU overcome Kong alone with weapons?

The Match

The date February 13, 2000, in a packed Korakuen Hall, the bell rings and both women shake hands, and KAROU immediately takes advantage of Kong with a crazy German suplex. The crowd is on the edge of their seats after this. With Kong immediately going outside, KAROU does a middle rope dive just to make sure that Kong doesn’t have any chance to breathe. After doing two moonsaults, KAROU gets a table instantly and puts Kong on it. When KAROU goes for her signature senton, she misses and takes the enitre bump onto the table. Kong takes advantage immediately and cracks KAROU skull with one half of the table that she had just gone through. The sound is very sickening.

After repeated headshots with the wood upon KAROU’s head, both she and Kong go into the crowd, where Kong throws a chair and then what looks to be a metal board at KAROU’s head. Kong is completely decimating KAROU up and down Korakuen Hall. KAROU is already spilling blood, much to Kong’s enjoyment. As KAROU escapes one of Kong’s maneuvers, Kong throws her out of the ring in the powerbomb position. It’s genuinely crazy how KAROU continues to keep going after that spot. It really shows how mentally and physically strong she is to keep fighting.

With KAROU stirring outside the ring, to many in the crowd’s surprise, Kong goes for a middle dive of her own just to get clocked with a table. KAROU starts attacking Kong the exact same way, hitting her with a table a few times. Immediately after this, KAROU places Kong on the table just so that she can land her signature senton. KAROU lands the senton perfectly. To make things even crazier, KAROU goes on the top rope to attempt a moonsault with a piece of the table. Kong dodges and tries to go for her signature spinning back fist, which would be met with the sharp edge of the table that KAROU broke off.

KAROU smells blood in the water as she starts to repeatedly assault that arm of Kong’s. Kong is legitimately screaming and selling the pain that has been inflicted on her for the past few minutes. KAROU even goes for a Fujiwara arm bar to try and make Kong tap out. In the final minutes, KAROU tries to go for one final stab on Aja’s arm until Kong swiftly reverses and does one of the nastiest kicks to the face, just to combine it with an even nastier back fist. KAROU kicks out at two. Kong, knowing that she needs to finish it off now, takes off her gloves and hits KAROU with a double-handed back fist, falling over her to secure the pin fall and a successful defense.

Closing Thoughts

In my personal opinion, this review doesn’t do the match enough justice. This match from when the bell sounded was a barn burner. For me, this match is a 5-star classic, and I can’t change it. Seeing Kong’s arm get absolutely destroyed is jarring but very compelling at the exact same time. As for KAROU, what a performance on her part as well. This was my first match of hers that I have watched. 

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