July 8, 2024

What do you love about wrestling? There’s so much to get from the art, whether that be action, comedy, heartbreak, storytelling, passion, athletic feats, entertainment, and the list goes on and on. I take enjoyment from all of the elements of wrestling, and it greatly has improved my viewing experiences overall. With that being said, the art form of wrestling is a great way to express many emotions through gladiatorial-like combat situations, and the art of storytelling adds more Shakespearean elements with a collaboration that perfectly encapsulates what we love about entertainment as a whole.

Do I have a clever segue into what I’m going to actually talk about? No, but I really like the show I want to talk about, so I guess that works as one. On November 27th of 2021 World Wonder Ring Stardom would host what I consider one of the best shows in its history, Tokyo Super Wars. With 8 matches on the card, I wanna look at all of the matches and why I love this show so much.

Match 1: Ruaka Vs Mai Sakurai Vs Waka Tsukiyama: Future Of Stardom Championship

The first match on the show was a Three Way Match for Ruaka’s Future Of Stardom title, and her opponents were newcomers Mai Sakurai and Waka Tsukiyama. I remember this match giving me a good impression of all three, although five minutes of action isn’t much to go off of, but I enjoyed the beats that were hit.

After Ruaka retains, a person wearing a Momo mask (it was a meme at the time) attacks everyone and leaves. That would eventually be revealed as the returning Giulia, who would eventually bring Thekla and MIRAI with her. Ruaka would also get her next challenger in the form of Hanan. A lot to happen in the first contest, but it fits for the show as a whole.

Match 2: Momo Watanabe & AZM Vs Unagi Sayaka & Lady C

This was before Lady C joined Queen’s Quest, so at the time she was teaming with anybody she could find. Momo and AZM were looking to gain some traction before the Goddess Of Stardom Tag League began, and what better way than to gain a victory over two people who had joined Stardom around the same time as each other.

A pretty dominant win from Momo and AZM while still letting C and Unagi get in some offense, this was a very fun follow up to the very chaotic opening. I really appreciate how everyone really put in a good effort for this match, especially AZM. You can really see how much Lady C has improved since this, as she is fully capable of having good matches way more consistently, so watching her here makes me feel so proud of her.

Match 3: Hanan, Hazuki, & Mayu Iwatani Vs Fukigen Death, Rina, & Saki Kashima

Hazuki had been back in action for less than two months and was already climbing back up in the ranks with a stellar encounter with Utami Hayashishita for the Red Belt. This match is mostly Hazuki’s match, so Oedo Tai’s role is to make her look dominant. Of course, this match ends with Hazuki getting the win for STARS by pinning Saki Kashima after a brainbuster.

It is still so impressive to me that Rina is 14 years old in this match. She could out wrestle some pros at their peak, and I can’t wait to see her output when she becomes an adult. Mayu Iwatani does what she does best in this match, that being making impressive pro wrestling look easy. For a pretty short trios match, I still enjoy this match a good bit.

Match 4: Saya Kamitani Vs Natsupoi Vs Himeka: Number One Contendership To The Wonder Of Stardom Championship

Saya Kamitani was so close to beating Tam Nakano for the Wonder Of Stardom title at Yokohama Dream Cinderella In Summer before eventually coming up short, so this was her chance at redemption. Himeka and Natsupoi were in turmoil at the time due to miscommunications in their matches, which is why Himeka attacked her partner before the bell rang.

Saya used this conflict to eventually sneak pin Natsupoi to become the new number one contender for Tam’s White Belt. I had fun with the interactions between bickering allies and a woman capitalizing on it. Saya is a joy to watch in her performances, and that is no exception here, especially with her moments with Natsupoi. Himeka being the dominant force of the three makes the dynamic much more creative. I will miss her dearly as a performer, and I wish her nothing but the best in her future in life.

Match 5: Starlight Kid Vs Koguma: High Speed Championship Match

On Starlight Kid’s fourth defense of the High Speed title, she had to face a former champion in Koguma. This match is indeed high speed in style, and full of impact and athleticism that is sure to impress. Starlight Kid would get a pin after 8 minutes to retain, but Koguma was not done, as she and AZM would challenge for the title at Dream Queendom.

High speed is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but I always get a kick out of fast-paced action like this. Koguma tends to always give me a smile watching her. Her and Kid had a great outing here.

Match 6: Syuri Vs Konami Under UWF Rules: The SWA Undisputed World Women’s Championship And The 5STAR Grand Prix Contract

UWF rules is where you must win by getting 5 confirmed knockdowns or by submission. Syuri being mixed chose to defend the belt as a Filipino, this allowed her to defend the title against anyone, so Konami stepped up. Syuri decided to put her contract to challenge for any title of her choosing by winning the 5STAR Grand Prix as well.

Syuri would eventually win with match point by connecting a Buzzsaw kick and knocking out Konami to retain. This match was so interesting to watch due to the rules and how both competitors went all out to make this feel like an MMA style fight.

I like the mix-up between ground action and full on strike battles. It feels like a much more thought out MMA style pro wrestling match, and I really love this. Konami is so gifted in the ring that she could pull off a match like this with someone who has fought in the UFC and Pancrase like Syuri has. Much love for both of these ladies.

Match 7: Tam Nakano Vs Mina Shirakawa: The Wonder Of Stardom Championship

Prior to this match, Mina Shirakawa started acting out of the ordinary and way more erratic, leading to the eventual creation of her “Bloody Angel” gimmick. Tam had to defend her title against a whole new beast with Mina’s alter ego, a crazed lunatic with nothing to fear. Mina does not disappoint in her new role as she is ruthless and brutal in her offense while not backing down from Tam whatsoever. Tam would prevail with a Twilight Dream to retain her title, but not without taking some tough damage from Mina.

After the match, Saya Kamitani would set the date for her and Tam’s title match at Dream Queendom. Where do I even begin? Mina’s Bloody Angel is one of my favorite characters in STARDOM, next to Utami Nakano. Everything I want from her is perfectly portrayed in the character, and I love anytime she has whipped it out, despite not having any success under the veil. Mina has had two career-defining matches prior to her eventual win over Saya for the White Belt, and this is one of them (the other being her and Saya at Hiroshima Goddess Festival).

Tam is a great foe to Mina, and the two of them mesh well in the ring, so put a new identity to Mina’s name and make it for a title, and you get an impactful match that in my opinion is Tam’s best successful title defense to date. Big props to Mina as well, as she got injured during the match and was able to continue, adding more to her credibility as a real threat in the ring.

Match 8: Utami Hayashishita Vs Maika For The World Of Stardom Championship

This is the match I want to talk about the most out of this whole show because this is in contention for my favorite match ever. Before I get ahead of myself, let me give the context. Utami held the Red Belt for 409 days and defended the title a total of ten times. This would mark her ninth defense as she took on someone she got her second defense from.

Maika would hold a victory over Utami during the first round of the 5STAR, so Utami had to up her game to keep holding on to her title. What follows is nearly 24 minutes of pure carnage as Utami and Maika blast each other with multiple strikes and slams while wrenching each other with painful submission maneuvers. Every moment felt important and necessary, every attack could be felt in your soul, every piece of drama elevates your emotions, and the list continues on and on.

Utami would win after a Hijack Bomb on Maika gets her the pinfall. Syuri would come out after and cash in her contract to face Utami for a second time at Dream Queendom, to which she would win and become the new World Of Stardom Champion. People look at Utami and Syuri’s 43-minute barn burner at Tokyo Dream Cinderella Special Edition as the peak of Utami’s reign as the Red Belt holder, and while I love that match and have great memories of it and how it brought Stardom to new heights, this match is sentimental to me.

To make it apparent, my two favorite wrestlers ever are Utami Hayashishita and Maika. Call me biased, but these two were destined to be together in the ring forever, whether it be fighting others as a team or against each other. My love for these two will be everlasting as far as I’m concerned, so this match is just more fuel to increase my appreciation for both of them. I could ramble on much more, but I’ll leave it at this: This is why I love pro wrestling, the connections you make with the people on screen is something no other medium of art can do, and I will never let my love of pro wrestling die for no better bliss can be found anywhere else.

Closing Thoughts

A show like this is why I find wrestling to be so important to my life as a whole, not just because every match is good at the very least, but because investment into storytelling is easiest when you can understand just from actions alone what’s happening. It’s that classic phrase “show, don’t tell” that makes pro wrestling so powerful. A lot of these ladies in Stardom have the natural ability to express the story nonverbally, and the main event alone is proof of that. Cheering bans don’t mean anything when the sheer beauty of the in ring work can surpass the need for crowds at all. Pro wrestling is beautiful.

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