June 26, 2024

It is that time of year, the annual Cinderella tournament. The tenth Cinderella tournament, this year’s tournament will be five days. Night one is on March 9th and the finals will be on March 20th. The rules this year are different from past Cinderella tournaments, first round matches will be 10 minutes and quarterfinals will be 15 minutes and semi-finals will be 20 minutes. For the first two rounds over-the-top rope is allowed in addition to normal wrestling rules to determine the winner. If there is a draw both participants will be out of the tournament, the finals will be normal wrestling rules with no time limit. The winner of the Cinderella tournament will receive a Cinderella dress and can challenge for any title in STARDOM as they wish. Previous winners consist of Mayu Iwatani back to back 2015-2016, Toni Storm, Momo Watanabe, Arisa Hoshiki, Giulia, Saya Kamitani and MIRAI back to back 2022-2023.

This year we have 24 participants with 8 participants getting a bye in the first round and all top championship holders in STARDOM will not participate in this year’s tournament. On the opening night we have eight 1st round matches for the Cinderella tournament. We also have the eight participants who received 1st round byes in an 8 way battle and the Future of Stardom championship will be on the line and three big tag matches.

Saya Iida, Koguma, Hanan, Momo Kohgo, Yuzuki, Lady C, Miyu Amasaki, Yuna Mizumori, Sayaka Kurara, Ranna Yagami, Saki Kashima, HANAKO, Xena, Natsuko Tora, Starlight Kid, Ruaka, Hazuki, AZM, Mei Seira, Suzu Suzuki, MIRAI, Ami Sourei, Waka Tsukiyama, Mai Sakurai
These wrestlers receive a 1st Round Bye:
Hazuki – chosen by Stardom
AZM – chosen by Stardom
Mei Seira – chosen by Stardom
Suzu Suzuki – 5 Star GP winner
MIRAI – 2023 Cinderella winner
Ami Sourei – 2023 Final Four
Waka Tsukiyama – 2023 Final Four
Mai Sakurai- 2023 Final Four

Cinderella round 1: Hanan (STARS) vs. HANAKO (E neXus V)

We have STARS’ Hanan going against Empress Nexus Venus’ HANAKO. This will be Hanan’s fourth Cinderella and the first for HANAKO. Hanan said she thinks she has the most momentum and highest expectations, and that her goals are to win this year’s Cinderella and challenge for the Wonder of Stardom Championship. HANAKO said she is going to put all her heart and soul into winning this year’s Cinderella. She wants to beat Hanan and win the Cinderella Tournament and go for the NEW BLOOD tag titles and win them with Waka Tsukiyama.

JayWali – Draw
FAR – Hanan

Cinderella round 1: Yuzuki (STARS) vs. Starlight Kid (Oedo Tai)

Next up we have STARS’ Yuzuki going against Oedo Tai’s Starlight Kid. This will be Yuzuki’s first Cinderella, Yuzuki said she is looking forward to her first Cinderella and making it through the first round to win it all. It’s going to be Starlight Kid’s fifth Cinderella, Starlight Kid said she is in this Tournament for one thing, and it is to win and go for the Wonder of Stardom Championship. SLK did mention she lost her match for the Wonder of Stardom Championship so she is looking to challenge for it again when she wins.

JayWali – Starlight Kid
FAR – Starlight Kid

Cinderella round 1: Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs. Xena (E neXus V)

Third match in the first round, we have STARS’s Momo Kohgo. It’s Momo Kohgo’s return match. This will be Momo Kohgo’s third Cinderella, she will be going against Empress Nexus Venus’ Xena. It’s Xena’s second Cinderella. During the Cinderella tournament press conference, Momo Kohgo would name some names that were absent and say that when she got injured that some forgot about her. So she wants to show everyone she can do it and win this year’s Cinderella and show everyone you should believe in her. Last year’s Cinderella tournament Xena made her STARDOM debut she defeated Hina and Thekla but fell short to MIRAI, so Xena is looking to beat MIRAI this year to dethrone her and win this year’s Cinderella.

JayWali – Xena
FAR – Xena

Cinderella Round 1: Koguma (STARS) vs. Ruaka (Oedo Tai)

Representing STARS, the bear herself, Koguma. This will be Koguma’s fourth Cinderella, she will be going up against Oedo Tai’s Ruaka. Koguma said she is looking forward to this year’s Cinderella and wants to win it this year. Koguma said she is aiming for other titles than the high speed title and wants to wear a teddy bear costume when she wins. It will be Ruaka’s fourth Cinderella, Ruaka said she wants to win by throwing everyone out to make it to the finals and win it all. 

JayWali – Koguma
FAR – Koguma

Cinderella Round 1: Saya Iida (STARS) vs. Saki Kashima (God’s Eye)

The “Mountain Gorilla” of STARS, Saya Iida making her third appearance in the Cinderella tournament, Iida will be going up against God’s Eye’s Saki Kashima. Iida said she will be celebrating her 5th anniversary since her debut by winning it all, Iida would mention that her and Hanan will be defending their NEW BLOOD tag titles. Iida thinks she has the momentum going into Cinderella this year and is hoping to win this year’s Cinderella and go for a singles title. This will be Saki Kashima’s sixth Cinderella.

JayWali – Saki Kashima
FAR – Saya Iida

Cinderella Round 1: Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Lady C (Queen’s Quest)

Yuna Mizumori of Cosmic Angels making her second appearance in the Cinderella tournament, she will be going against the “Human Tower” of Queen’s Quest, Lady C. It will be Lady C’s third Cinderella. Lady C said she wants to show us a new Lady C and not the old Lady C that lost in the first round and vowed to win the Cinderella. Yuna Mizumori said she will be celebrating her 6th anniversary since her pro wrestling debut and says that she wants to win Cinderella Tournament and wants to make this a tropical Cinderella.

JayWali – Yuna Mizumori
FAR – Lady C

Cinderella Round 1: Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Natsuko Tora (Oedo Tai)

We have Cosmic Angel’s Sayaka Kurara. This will be Kurara’s first Cinderella Tournament, she will go up against Oedo Tai’s Natsuko Tora. Sayaka Kurara said this will be an amazing opportunity for her and show us how she will win the Cinderella Tournament and become a real Cinderella. Natsuko Tora said when she lost her match against Giulia for the Strong Women’s Championship she said she wanted to be the Cinderella Tournament winner and start from the first round. She mentions how everyone has a goal and that she wants to achieve various goals through this Tournament. Natsuko Tora would say she wants to start from scratch but doesn’t know what will happen next for her and wants to start it with this Cinderella Tournament.

JayWali – Natsuko Tora
FAR – Natsuko Tora

Cinderella Round 1: Miyu Amasaki (Queen’s Quest) vs. Ranna Yagami (God’s Eye)

Queen’s Quest Miyu Amasaki will be making her third Cinderella Tournament appearance. She will be going up against God’s Eye’s Ranna Yagami. Miyu Amasaki is looking forward to this year’s Cinderella Tournament and wants to win this year’s Tournament and bloom at the top and wear the dress. Ranna Yagami said she wants to do her best and also wants to win this Cinderella Tournament.

JayWali – Miyu Amasaki
FAR – Miyu Amasaki

8-Way Battle
MIRAI (God’s Eye) vs Mai Sakurai (-) vs Ami Sourei (God’s Eye) vs Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V) vs Suzu Suzuki (-) vs Mei Seira (-) vs Hazuki (STARS) vs AZM (Queen’s Quest)

The star-studded 8-way battle featuring the round one bye of the Cinderella Tournament. Featuring — MIRAI from God’s Eye going against Mai Sakurai, Ami Sourei from God’s Eye, Waka Tsukiyama from Empress Nexus Venus, Suzu Suzuki, Mei Seira, Wild Heart Hazuki from STARS and AZM from Queen’s Quest.

Hazuki was recommended by STARDOM and got a first round bye, it’s Hazuki’s seventh Cinderella. Hazuki said when she wins the Cinderella tournament, she wants to challenge for the Wonder of Stardom Championship, the title she has been talking about wanting to achieve for years. This will be AZM’s sixth Cinderella, AZM was also recommended by STARDOM and got a first round bye. Last year’s Cinderella AZM and Hazuki were both out in the first round. This time around both will make it to second with a bye. Mei Seira was also recommended by STARDOM and got a first round bye. This will be Mei Seira’s first Cinderella, Mei Seira said she is looking forward to having her first singles match against some that are in the Cinderella Tournament. She said since she is the high speed champ she wants to beat everyone quickly. Suzu Suzuki got a bye for winning last year’s 5-STAR GP. It’s Suzu Suzuki’s first Cinderella. She is looking forward to getting back some momentum and is looking to win this year’s Cinderella Tournament and wear the Cinderella dress. 

This will be MIRAI’s third Cinderella. MIRAI is the only one in this match that has won a Cinderella tournament, she’s won it back to back. MIRAI did say during the Cinderella Tournament press conference that she is looking to win her third Cinderella. Waka and Mai Sakurai and Ami Sourei all have a bye in the first round for being in the final four in last year’s Cinderella tournament. This will be Ami Sourei’s third Cinderella, Ami Sourei said during the Cinderella tournament press conference she is looking forward to winning this year’s Cinderella on her birthday and wearing the Cinderella dress. It will be Waka’s second Cinderella and Mai Sakurai will be making her third Cinderella appearance. Both are looking forward to winning Cinderella this year. Whoever wins this match will have the momentum going into their second round match on March 10 in Korakuen Hall.

JayWali – MIRAI
FAR – Hazuki

STRONG Women’s Championship Prelude Match 6-woman tag team match
Giulia & Syuri & Konami (God’s Eye) vs Stephanie Vaquer & Momo Watanabe & Fukigen Death (Oedo Tai)

It’s a prelude match for the Strong Women’s Championship match that will take place on March 10 in Korakuen Hall. In this trios match we have the Strong Women’s Champion Giulia teaming up with God’s Eye’s Syuri and Konami they will be going against the team of Stephanie Vaquer and Oedo Tai’s Momo Watanabe and Fukigen Death.

On March 10 Giulia will be defending her Strong Women’s Championship against Stephanie Vaquer. Stephanie Vaquer got the match by winning a number one contender’s match during NJPW Battle in The Valley against Viva Van on January 13th. This will be the first time ever Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer go one on one against each other. Before that they will be in a six woman tag team match. Giulia will be teaming with the other half of Alto Livello KABALIWAN (High Level Craziness) and DDM old stablemate Syuri from God’s Eye as well as Konami. Vaquer will be teaming up for the first time with Oedo Tai’s Momo Watanabe and Fukigen Death. Stephanie is looking to win this tag match and get some momentum going into her match against Giulia and win the Strong Women’s Championship. Giulia is looking to learn to adapt to Vaquer’s in ring style ahead of their singles match.

JayWali – Konami, Syuri & Giulia
FAR – Odeo Tai & Stephanie Vaquer

Future of Stardom Championship Match – Rina (c) (Oedo Tai) vs. Miran

The only championship match for the show, we have World Woman Pro-Wrestling Diana’s Miran going up against the Future of Stardom champion Rina. Miran made her pro wrestling debut April 17, 2022, and has since then had 90 matches under her belt at the age of only 14-years old. Miran has been featured on Stardom before under the New Blood shows. Her first match for Stardom was against Rina’s previous challenger Miyu Amasaki. Her sound bout was with none other than Rina who she lost too in January 2023. Miran is familiar enough with Rina’s offense, so this should be a solid challenge for Rina. This will be Rina’s seventh title defense. She is still trying to beat her older sister Hanan’s record defenses as Future of Stardom champion.  Rina has been champion for 300+ days thus far holding the record for second most days as Future of Stardom champion. 

JayWali – Rina
FAR – Rina

Saya Kamitani & AZM (Queen’s Quest) vs. Maika & Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V) vs. Tam Nakano (Cosmic Angels) & Mayu Iwatani (STARS)

In this star packed triple threat tag team match we see the team of Saya Kamitani and AZM who would be replacing Utami Hayashishita due to poor physical condition representing Queen’s Quest. Against the power and beauty combo Maika and Mina Shirakawa of Empress Nexus Venus and to round out the three-way we see the the team of Tam Nakano and The Icon herself Mayu Iwatani together since November 2020. This match is very important as we know Maika and Mayu have a target on their backs. Those gunning for the World of Stardom title will probably want to get a big win over Maika to stake their claim as the next challenger. And then you have the IWGP Women’s Champion Mayu who last defended the belt against Mina Shirakawa who is also still wanting another crack at the IWGP Women’s Championship. This match is critical in how the title scene for both the World of Stardom and IWGP Women’s Championship will shape up for the next month.

JayWali – Tam Nakano & Mayu Iwatani
FAR – Tam Nakano & Mayu Iwatani

Saori Anou & Natuspoi (Cosmic Angels) vs. Sareee & Chihiro Hashimoto

In this biggest match on the card. We have the return of Natsupoi who has been out of action since October 2023. Natsupoi and Saori Anou were the previous holders of the Goddesses of Stardom tag titles before they had to be vacated due to Natsupoi’s injuries. Both Anou and Natsupoi represent Cosmic Angels and go by the tag team name “Connected By The Strap” The team they are going up against is no duo to scoff at. Sareee and Chihiro Hashimoto. Sareee took the world by storm upon her return to Japan in May 2023 putting on spectacular matches for the rest of the year. Chihiro Hashimoto is such a beast in the ring and has previous history with Natsupoi as they faced off in one on one action in July 2023 that Natsupoi fell to Chihiro.

Natsupoi and Sareee have history with each other as well as they used to tag together in 2017 and 2018 going up against Saori Anou as well twice. Everyone in this match is familiar with each other in some shape or form. This match may be a “match of the year contender” when it’s all set and done with the 4 involved. Natsupoi brings an energy to Stardom that is at times unmatched, so her return is that last piece for Cosmic Angels to be whole once again. No matter the winner, Natsupoi and Anou have their eyes set on those Goddesses of Stardom tag titles they never lost. 

JayWali – Draw
FAR – Draw


Starlight Kid vs. Natsuko Tora
Winner – Starlight Kid


WINNER – Starlight Kid

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