June 29, 2024

A clash of styles in the art of wrestling can be done in such an amazing way that can make it a must witness match. In this case, both Will Ospreay and WALTER, now known as Gunther in WWE, showcased both of their different styles that turned out to be a wonderful match to go back to and watch. This match occurred in the main event in Over The Top Wrestling promotion on their 4th Anniversary show back in 2018. At this time, Will Ospreay had just lost the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight champion to Hiromu Takahashi four months prior and was willing to challenge WALTER for the OTT World Title.

The Match

Ospreay showcasing his Jr. Style and WALTER showcasing that physicality made for a match of clashing styles to be an excellent match. For as Ospreay uses his quickness to psych out WALTER from landing his devastating chops or lariats, WALTER used his precision in when he catches Ospreay off guard from either a counter to a mistake on Ospreay’s part.

Ospreay at some points in the match tries to match up with WALTER, it put him at such a disadvantage that WALTER felt disrespected and whenever he felt disrespected, he takes over with force. Whenever WALTER takes over, the mood and energy changes as observing the crowd watching the match. There are so many instances during the match that whenever Ospreay starts to build momentum, WALTER, with just one move, completely ends it.

Though the match was definitely was in WALTER’s favor, Ospreay had his moments where many thought he could have done the impossible. At one point, he laid in a fury of kicks and a PK to knock down WALTER, while following that with a shooting star press. As WALTER moves out of the way, he lands a vicious running missile dropkick that basically folds Ospreay in half.

Towards the closing stretch, the referee makes a big mistake and doesn’t see that Ospreay touched the rope when WALTER tries to finish the match with a flowsion maneuver. WALTER confused, while holding the world title, hits the referee trying to restart the match.

Ospreay hits him with a high roundhouse kick. Now at the final stretch Ospreay desperate for a win, was tempted to knockout WALTER with his championship, but fools him by landing a fury of kicks and superkicks to then hitting his finishing move, the OS Cutter but WALTER kicks out. WALTER finishes the match after he big lariats and does the big splash to seal the win.

After watching this match, I appreciate how much these two truly upgraded their wrestling styles. With Will going to an all-round style and WALTER getting more vicious with his physicality. If I had to recommend people to watch early stuff from these two, this is the match.

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